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References from 2010

  • Horovce Biogas Station – power outlet
  • Malý Cetín Biogas Station – power outlet
  • Transformer station and connection to electricity network – Vrbina Biogas Station
  • Transformer station and connection to electricity network – Nový Dvor Biogas Station
  • VD Žilina - Metsä Tissue Slovakia Žilina – Implementation of 110 kV cable connection
  • Pre-insulation of 400 kV power line at V494 Sučany - Liptovská Mara
  • Repair of 220 kV power line at V272 Sučany – Medzibrod
  • Repair – preregulation of conductors to the original project state at the V044/496/043 Križovany power lines - EBO – Bošáca
  • PP Malženice – Installation of 400 kV surge arresters
  • Review of VN circuit breakers at the Veľké Kapušany ES
  • Construction of photovoltaic plants “on turnkey” for various investors in various Slovak localities with a total installed capacity of over 16 MW