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Alter Energo, a.s.

The company was founded in 2009. Our business activities are particularly focused on:

  • the design, construction and manufacture of electrical equipment
  • the manufacture of distribution systems
  • assembly, reconstruction, repair, operation, servicing and maintenance of reserved electrical equipment
  • the construction of power lines
  • preparatory work for the implementation of constructions and their changes

The business strategy of our company covers the entire spectrum of activities ranging from engineering and design through implementation and commissioning, to comprehensive after-sales service. In the implementation of projects we rely on the many years of professional experience of our employees, who hold the relevant licenses and certificates for the qualified performance of required activities. The basic pillars of our success are reliability, the highest quality, and a responsible management approach. Our ambition is the constant process of improving and strengthening our position among the leaders in the sector in which we operate.